Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Caltech: A Team That Won't Be in San Antonio

Documentary filmmaker Rick Greenwald has brought the story of Caltech's men's basketball team to the big screen with "Quantam Hoops."

The university from Pasadena, Calif.'s team consists of mostly high school valedictorians and has involved future world-class mathematicians and rocket scientists.

But, they've lost games by 50-70 points!

In an interview with the NPR sports program "Only a Game," Greenwald said he was delighted to bring this unusual sports drama onto film:

"I'm excited for everyone to experience the journey of what is easily the most unique college basketball experience anywhere in the world."

The film is narrated by David Duchovny, who folks in Tbilis, Georgia, know as Fox Molder from "The X-Files."

The film profiles the final weeks of the 2006 basketball season. The team was in the midsts of a 240-game losing streak which extended over 21 years.

But, their coach Roy Dow believed in them.

The team from this most recent basketball season included a lot of Asian guys, including Wei Li, a junior from Columbus, Ohio, Yang Hai, from Fairfax, Va., Yang Yang from Beverly Hills, and fellow Californians Jie He and Zing Wang.

Caltech also has men's and women's water polo teams. Perhaps, they've had better luck in the pool.

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