Friday, December 7, 2007

Postcards from The Past, and My Hiatus (until Dec. 21)

Well, it has sadly come to this. I have so many things between now and Dec. 21 that I am going to put this beloved blog, which has even received hits from Armenian-Americans for Fred Thompson,* on hold until Dec. 21.
There are many, many things I have not had a chance to get to but hopefully they will still be here two weeks from now.
In the mean time, I am going to leave you with a suggestion to go The Giffords Ice Cream store in Bethasda, Md., if you are in Washington, DC area. I am not receiving any money from them for this plug, but they sent me some great postcards last year and it definitely seems like a cool place to visit. I just hope they are not closed for the season!
And, since today is Pearl Harbor Day, I will leave you with this postcard from 1941 (actually dated April 18) and I will dedicate to the memory of my stepfather Donald Sullivan (1918-2003), who was himself a WW II veteran.
The postcard, which I would scan if I had such talents, is of the Pennrose Country Club in Reidsville, NC. It was sent from a woman named Frances to a woman named Frances Adkins in Vinton, Va.- just outside Roanoke.
Here is the message:

"I called to tell you all I was coming back with Edna, but no one answered any way.**
I am down here and enjoying this beautiful sunshine so much. See you all soon. Love Ruth."

*-One may not get this joke unless they know me. I am a Turkish-American, and a Democrat. My late uncle Omer Bati, an Istanbul lawyer, came close to throwing me off the balcony when I told him that I had voted for Michael Dukakis over George Bush when I was 18 in 1988 upon a summer visit to Turkey in 1989............since there are some people with irrational negative views of Turkish people, I should point out that I am joking- but, he was not happy with me at all!

**-I am aware that anyway is one word. It was spelled as two words on the postcard. I guess they did not have spellcheckers in those days.

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