Monday, December 31, 2007

Last Entry of 2007-for Norman Mailer

I am going to conclude the 2007 year with this quote from author Norman Mailer who died this year. There were a substantial number of cultural icons and political leaders who lost their lives this year. Alas, I don't have time to remember them all. But, Mailer was certainly one of them.

This quote is the last one I will use from "The Film Yearbook 1984." Many film buffs know that Mailer tried his hand at directing several films, including a film version of his own novel "Tough Guys Don't Dance." But, several people may not know that he acted in the 1981 Milos Forman film "Ragtime."

Here is his quote about that experience:

"It's really like the Army. You're uncomfortable. You're never fed at the hour. You have to take orders."

Future blog entries in the coming days are scheduled to include: The Person of the Year, my political endorsement, the North Carolina State women's gymnastics team and (time permitting) an entry about "Caucus the Musical" now being performed in Des Moines, Iowa.

Thanks to all of you who took time to read my blog this year.

Happy 2008.

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