Friday, December 7, 2007

Darth Vader's Fundraising Woes!

If anyone has seen the new Coen Borthers film "No Country for Old Men," you know that you will be talking about the film for reasons I perhaps should not go into here, for days on end.
One theory (spoiler alert) mentioned on the Internet is that the psychopathic killer played in chilling detail by Javier Bardem is really the same person as the sheriff played by Tommy Lee Jones.
I think it is safe to say that all of us have a dark side, and who else in American life is better metaphor for the dark side of American life than our very own veep Dick Cheney who was elected* by the people.
(*-We are still wondering what happened in Florida in 2000!)

With this in mind, Mary Ann Akers a political blogger for The Washington Post has revealed that the man Don Imus (a controversial figure himself) called a war criminal is not too popular with those seeking or trying to maintain a seat in Congress.

Akers reports that only two incumbent  members of 'The Hill,'  Cong. Ralph Hall (R-Tx.) and the vulnerable Cong. Sam Graves (R-Mo.) have solicited his services for political fund-raisers. You might think a few arch-conservatives like Cong. Virgil Goode (R-Va.) would be knocking on his door, but that does not appear to be the case!

And, there is only one challenger, a Republican state senator from Kansas named Nick Jordan, is asking for Cheney to kiss babies as he tries to unseat Cong. Dennis Moore (D-Ks)..........(there is a Republican congressman from Kansas- oh wait, there is a Republican congressman from Utah too!).

These meet and greets are not cheap (as anyone who paid up to $2,000 to meet Rudy G. in Greensboro, NC, can probably attest too- I was not one of those folks!). If you want to have your photo taken with Mr. Grinch, it will cost you $2,300 and if you recognition from Cheney, that will cost you $5,000.

I met the 'real Darth Vader' British actor David Prowse at a comic book show in Charlotte, NC, a few years ago. He wanted $25 for an autographed photo. I had no idea that was such a bargain!

Useful Links:   (the official site- not an endorsement)

And, lastly- I am still trying to figure out some tech things with regards to my blog. I really wanted to add this hilarious ad parody with Cheney' image. I think everyone except him will find it amusing:

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