Monday, December 10, 2007

New Film from Les Blank- so much for my hiatus

I suppose my sister Lale Lovell knew this would be harder for me than I realized.

But, I am breaking my vow not to add blog entries for a good cause- to promote a documentary film by my good friend Les Blank, who is best known for his 1982 film "Burden of Dreams," about German film director Werner Herzog's effort to film an epic film (which is hard to spell) in the Amazon River basin of Peru.

Blank's latest effort is a documentary about tea. It is called "All in This Tea," and it was filmed in (where else?!) China. There is an article about Blank and the film, which he co-directed with Gina Leibrecht, in yesterday's edition of "The San Francisco Chronicle."

The Film opens at The Roxie in San Francisco and at the Smith Rafael Center in San Rafael, Cal., on Friday.

For more on the film and Blank, one can access these web sites:


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