Monday, December 24, 2007

Great Line from Bad Santa

Time is short, as I have 20 minutes to get in a blog entry for Christmas Eve.

Two other things were planned but we will take care of one of those tomorrow, which is in 19 minutes....

I found his great line from the Terry Zwigoff cinema classic "Bad Santa." The title character is actually named Willie. He was played by Billy Bob Thorton. It was spoken to Waiting Boy, which was played by either Cody Strauch or Marshall Dvorin, according to the Internet Movie Database.

Here is the line (how appropriate with the screenwriters strike still in effect!):

Watching Boy (stares at Willie): I saw you at another mall.
Willie: Well, I'm happy for you.
Watching Boy: If you really are Santa, you could do magic.
Willie (whispers): Wanna see some magic? Ok, let's watch you disappear!

The IMDB also reports that this film used the "F-word" 147 times! It should hold the record for a holiday film for quite some time..........

The film aired on Comedy Central, presumably in an edited version, earlier tonight.

I saw the film when it first came out at a multiplex in Myrtle Beach, SC. I happened to see the film in early January, hence I was the only person watching it in that whole entire screening room!

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