Friday, March 28, 2008

Video Game Addiction Tragedy

While researching video game addiction for a short play that I'm currently writing, I came across the tragic story of Lee Seung Seop (1977-2005), who was an industrial repairman in Daegu, South Korea.

On Aug. 3, 2005, he recieved posthumous world fame after he played the video game "Starcraft" at an internet cafe for a staggering 50 straight hours before dropping dead at age 28 from complications due to a cardiac arrest (heart attack). Doctors reported that Seop was suffering from exhaustion and dehydration prior to his sudden death.

According to Wikipedia, friends tried to stop him and his girlfriend broke up with him. He also lost his job.

Hmm...come to think of it, it's time for me to go outside and shoot some hoops!

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