Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No Gas in Greensboro?!

 (Old Shell Gas Station. Is actually in Winston-Salem, NC)

I just brought gas today in Greensboro, NC, and it was (yikes?!) over $50 to fill up the tank!

Earlier in the night, I tried to get gas at another station on Summit Avenue in Greensboro, but they were out of the gas. I am the type of person who at times knows more about elections in Zimbabwe or ethnic unrest in Kenya than I do about what is happening in my own zip code, but apparently, many gas stations in the Triad were short on gas today.

In fact, I did not hear about this from local tv-station WFMY (Channel 2/CBS) or 98.7 Simon-FM, both out of Greensboro, but rather through my good friend Christopher Knight from Reidsville, NC, who has a blog which gets about 12,000 more hits per day than this one does. 

I can only imagine what gas prices are like in Salt Lake City and Honolulu as both Utah and Hawaii have even higher gas prices than The Tarheel State!

In other regional news, I saw that the Eden Drive-In in Eden, NC, which is still open for the season, is showing an interesting double-header starting Friday. The first film is "House Bunny" and the second is the Don Cheadle thriller "Traitor."

Of course, whenever they have good movies at the drive-in, I am usually in the process of going some place else for the weekend and since my 20th high school reunion is taking place in the Roanoke, Va., area this weekend, I will be up there.

 I guess I will have to be certain not to bring up religion or politics. Even though those who know me well realize I am not good at keeping my trap shut.

 Those of you who read this blog several months ago might know I had hoped to bring actress and fellow Barack Obama supporter Scarlett Johansson* as my date for the high school reunion. But, since she got engaged recently, I decided it would be in our mutual best interest for me to go stag. I figured if I couldn't go with her, it would be best to just go alone.

*- To be fair, well not that we make much of an effort when it comes to politics, but Heidi Montag of "The Hills" is endorsing John McCain.

NOTE: This is our first entry composed entirely of recyled images from past blog entries, which reminds me I need to get rid of these Perrier bottles sitting beside this computer.

Also, if any of you happen to work for Harvey Comics please don't sue me for using "Hot Stuff."

I would also like to this moment to wish my friend Stephen Hyers, a local playwright and stage director in Greensboro, a speedy recovery and my friend Nida Campbell of Charlottesville, Va., a happy birthday. She turns 31 this weekend.

"Yeah, I know she's a woman. Oh right, I shouldn't have said that!"

UPDATE: Ok, I did talk politics at the high school reunion, but I didn't start until virtually everyone else had left!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand that Hawaii's fuel prices are generally $0.50 higher than the mainland average. I was in Chicago a few weeks back, and their prices - at least down in the 'hood - are significantly higher than where I live next to Los Angeles. The Mission Drive-In in Pomona, CA, has been redone in a Polynesian motif.