Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Diablo Cody Mania is Spreading

I have never seen a Hollywood screenwriter quickly become a celebrity_it just never happens.

But, Diablo Cody is a unique cultural phenom. She is an ex-stripper who penned "Juno," and now she's an Academy-Award winner, as of Sunday night.

Movie blogger Joe Scott has a hilarious picture of her on his film blog http://www.themovieshow.blogspot.com

And, Colby Perkins of Wilmington, NC, raves about Diablo on a Facebook fan site devouted to her, which I just joined about a half-hour ago (hey, when you have insomnia, you got to find creative ways to fill the time!):

"Go Diablo! Her acceptance speech was so simple and sincere! I hope her win means that the misogynist haters will shut the hell up!," Perkins wrote. "I liked her dress because she seemed so comfortable in it and it showed off her tattoos"

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