Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Turkish Cab Driver Endorses Obama

There have been many amusing things which have happend to us on our trip to Turkey.

One of them has to be the outright endorsement of Barack Obama by a taxi driver in Bursa.

Saban Corlu told us that if he lived im America he would defintely vote for Obama.

Corlu has been a taxi driver for some 30 years.

He told us that Obama seemed like a highly intelligent and likeable person who would enhance the image of America around the world.

İ did not argue with him!

The trip to Bursa also gave me a chance to visit my friend Ugur Celikkol.

His father perfomed a shadow puppett play with Karagoz and Hacivat for us.

The Celikkols run a antique business in Bursa near the Ulu Mosque. Ugur also has a travel agency business.

They also think Obama would make a great president.

Who knew Turkey was a blue state..........!

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