Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Top 10 Things İ Miss Most in the USA

Before İ went to Azerbaijan (İ have since returned to Turkey) _İ made a list of 20 things İ missed most about America. İ have also made lists about things İ liked most about Turkey which will be my next entry.

İ almost made lists about things about both countries that İ did not like (Wal-Mart and Turkish toilets top those respective lists). But İ thought it would be best to focus on the positive!

Here are 10 things İ miss most about America:

1. Gizmo- the family cat

2. Youtube (İ am still stunned that it is banned here- see earlier entry)

3. Charlie Rose

4. Life cereal (though they have Special K here!)

5. Grandin Theatre in Roanoke

6. Eden Drive-İn

7. minor league baseball

8. The New Yorker (İ made the list before the controversial cover came out but even though İ support Obama İ think the cover is a great lampoon of FoxNews politics).

9. Zippy the Pinhead

10. Mexican food (İ guess that would disqualify me from the GOP!).

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