Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bad Cat!

News came from my sister that our family friend Linda who is taking care of my beloved cat Gizmo that the 4-year-old feline is misbehaving!

He has broken into packets of food and has done naughty kitty things (İ will spare the details!) in in in appropriate places. But he is still the one thing İ miss most about the USA (see earlier entry).

Here in Turkey there is a relatively high stray cat population. Though more people are bringing cats and dogs into their homes.

İ saw a shopkeeper here on Buyukada İsland get scolded by a passerby for leaving dog food out in the sun. She asked him if he would feed his dog that food. İt was an interesting moment in which İ decided to merely observed and keep my mouth shut. İ just hope that is not what UN peacekeepers do in places like Darfur!

The worry of what is going on back home can add to travel stress but so can the thought of being hit by a horse buggy here on the island!


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