Sunday, May 13, 2007

Dead Poets Society, #7 (of 12), William Blake

Since it has been 250 years since his birth and perhaps because his grave was recently 'discovered' in London, English poet William Blake (1757-1827) appears to be vogue again, which he was not during his lifetime. Now before I add anything else, I need to say I am a total novice when it comes to poetry, unlike films which I am perhaps too knowledgable about (it has perhaps even cost me friends!). And, I am writing down stuff that was said about Blake on Wikipedia, which is not entirely reliable. Blake was also a painter and a printmaker.
Here is my Blake poem of choice, "The Lamb."

"The Lamb" (1789)

Little Lamb, who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?
Gave the life and the bird to feed,
By the stream and o'er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing wooly bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice!
Little Lamb who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?

Little Lamb I'll tell thee,
Little Lamb I'll tell thee!
He is called by thy name,
For he calls himself a Lamb:
He is meek and he is mild,
He became a little child:

I a child and thou a lamb,
We are called by his name.
Little Lamb God bless thee.
Little Lamb God bless thee.


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