Sunday, August 31, 2008

Things to do in Denver.....if you want to die (Swooping)

While the Democratic Convention* made headlines this week, there was another major event happening just up the road from Denver as the National Swooping Championships were taking place in Longmont, Col.
Swooping is a more extreme form of sky-diving (is that an oxy moron, or what?). The difference is that one lands in water.
My brother-in-law Matt Lovell who was the spokesperson for the Dennis Kucinich campaign (that is a joke!) did not jump out of an airplane, but along with my sister Lale, he did take many photographs of this unique event.
As some of you know, I told this blog that I was taking a day off from teaching and  going sky-diving in Orange, Va. (near Charlottesville). That was of course my April Fool's joke.
Many people fell for it!
My sister did not.
She knows me too well!

*- Among those present at this year's Democratic convention were Virginia's awesome governor Tim Kaine, our favorite Caddyshack actor Chevy Chase and members of the hip band Death Cab for Cutie. Alas, I was not there:(

Check out Matt and Lale's photos at:

The photo used in this entry is actually from a swooping event in West Virginia. It was not taken by Matt.

Other useful links:     (with info on where you can go swooping...they have a place in Orlando...)

The band reportedly performs in Seattle on Mon., and in Charlottesville, Va., on Thurs.

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