Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah from Alaska???!

Since Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is John McCain's running mate, I thought I'd dedicate this photo of Rocky and Bulwinkle  to what now sincerely looks to be the losing ticket this November.
What we know about her: She's pro-life, hunts moose and has been governor of Alaska since 2006. Dan Quayle, Dick Cheney and now Sarah Palin???! Even the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Oliver North should publicly admit Democrats are better at choosing running mates.

PROGRAM NOTE: Michael Moore, who is actually to my left politically- but I love and admire him anyway, will be on Keith Olbermann tonight at 8 pm EST on MSNBC. He would've made a better running mate than Sarah Palin!

UPDATE: According to this cool web site (see link) Sarah Palin has also tried to pass initiatives to have creationism taught in Alaska schools........!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Valuable resource of relevant news summaries: