Monday, October 6, 2008

16 People Who Will Decide the Presidency (8 of 16)

(Photo is of Garrison Keillor, but he does look like a minister here, doesn't he?!)

Name: Rev. Tom Douglass*
Hometown: St. Paul, Minn.
Age: 61
Income: $35,000/year
Politics: Conservative Democrat
Voting for: Barack Obama

*- The Rev. Tom Douglass is not a real person. Yes, I know Garrison Keillor assuredly makes more than $35,000/year.

Most preachers here in the South, with the exception of Unitarians and black churches, tend to go Republican, but in Minnesota things are a bit more even.

(Photo is of Lake Itasca in Minnesota)

The state is currently leaning Democratic, which should help stand-up comedian Al Franken who is looking to oust incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) from his seat, in one of the more interesting senate races.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State is reporting that many churches are crossing the line with their congregation when it comes to political exploitation. One scandalous example is the Rev. Francis Pultro of Philadelphia who said during a Sunday sermon that:
"As Christians, it's clear we should vote for John McCain. He is the only candidate I believe a Christian can vote for."

The irony is that in 2000, McCain went to great lengths to distance not only his candidacy but also the GOP from the likes of Pat Robertson. It didn't work!

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