Sunday, August 26, 2007

Funny Item in Sunday Roanoke Times

Virtually every city in Virginia and North Carolina is going through record heat-waves. Roanoke, Va., has had four days over 100 degrees this month. The region has also seen heavy droughts, which have affected the region. Both Raleigh and Greensboro were calling for voluntary water restrictions as of last week.

With that in mind, several thousand people gathered at Elmwood Park in downtown Roanoke yesterday for the Festival of India, the city's first celebration of the Indian community, some 660 people strong in southwest Virginia.

Laurence Hammack wrote a story about the gathering in today's "Roanoke Times." Here is an excerpt which really stood out:

"No one seemed to mind a sun so scorching that the outdoor stage had to be hosed down between acts to keep the bare-footed dancers from burning their feet."

Organizer Jitendra Desai joked in the same article that Indian people might some of the only folks in the Roanoke Valley who would turn out in droves on a day when temperatures once again passed 100 degrees.

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