Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My Own Poem?! "Honeymoon with Mama"

I am taking a break from the Dead Poets Society entries to post a poem from me. To my knowledge, I am still breathing. But, if the weather around here gets any hotter- well, I suppose there is always a potential for heat stroke!

I wrote this poem on Sun. night. My friend Julie Campbell who organizing a local writing group said that a former member of the group is getting married and has requested poems. I am not sure that this is what Julie had in mind, but I thought this might be interesting. I got the idea while thinking of a Mario Bava* movie, but that is neither here or there........

Here is "Honeymoon with Mama:"

"Honeymoon with Mama"

Wanted to get out of Hickory

Ended up with a gal from Nebraska

No, we're heading towards matriomny

Wanted to go to Montego Bay

(alone with Robin)

but, mama's coming with us now

She says she's lonely since Harry died

Told her to go the county animal shelter

or get a subscription to "Our State"

Should've read more books by Kipling

..........................................by Joyce

..........................................by Aristotle

Or, listened to more songs by Heart

.........................................by Rush

........................................by Bjork or Radiohead

I suppose I'll know soon

if I'm heading towards heaven or hell

.......................just as soon as I know

which way the sun sets in Jamaica.


* Bava was an over-the-top Italian horror film director. His best known film is "Black Sunday," though I really like his 1977 film "Lisa and the Devil" with Telly Savalas.

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