Monday, May 3, 2010

Quote of the Week- Jane Fonda

Since this past Saturday was May Day, the annual recognized by socialists around the world to recognize worker's rights, we thought we'd post some quotes from either current or former left-wing radicals.

We aren't sure that Jane Fonda is quite as militant as she was in 1968, but thank God she has not turned into a Republican like her "Coming Home" co-star Jon Voight (actually, he has moved farther to the right since we started posting this entry).

As it turns out, by random coincidence, we have learned that Jane Fonda has told the world on her blog that she is moving from Atlanta to Los Angeles as of today.

We think this particular quote will work well for patrons of The Thirsty Parrot in Colorado Springs, Colo. (yes, there is really such a place, but we've never been to Colorado Springs, yet along The Thirsty Parrot):

"If you're ever in situation where you're not getting served or you can't get what you need, just cry."

Incidentally, Fonda's first-Oscar winning performance in the film "Klute" (1971) can be streamed for free with a Netflix membership. She won her second Oscar for "Coming Home" in 1978. We think this is an image of her from "Barbarella." She was not nominated for that particular role (it is perhaps her kitschiest film, though it's been a long since we've seen "Cat Ballou.")

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