Thursday, May 6, 2010

PSA- Just Say No

A few weeks ago, by chance, I came across a mid-80s PSA which featured Pee Wee Herman urging folks to "Say No to Crack." It features Pee Wee in an unusually dark and somber mood, and both the visuals and tone (very dark music) of the ad are extremely effective. Clint Eastwood made a similar PSA for the same anti-drug organization.

Strangely enough, a few days after that, I saw that Pee Wee (according to his tweet) was actually watching himself in "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" (1985).

And, yes folks, this does mean that in spite of the fact that we have many cultural and political differences in this country, Nancy Reagan and I do actually agree on something. Of course, if you were born after 1989, you probably don't get the joke:)

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