Saturday, February 18, 2006

Grocery List

Things have been so hectic lately (and, in my life, that is not always the case!) that I haven't had time to add a blog entry or go to the grocery store. I never make grocery lists, so I thought I would start here. There seem to be so few hits on my blog that the thought that someone might actually read this seems relatively remote. So, here it goes:


1. bananas

2. apples/ oranges

3. tomatoes

4. lunch meat

5. bagels (perfereably the ones with fewer carbs)

6. kavun/karpuz- well these are Turkish words for various kinds of melons

7. yogurt

8. Diet Pepsi/Coke/Dr. Pepper/Water

9. Wine (I just said that to get my sister's attention, if she's reading)

10. a dozen bags of Doritos- hmm, maybe not

11. paper towels

12. soap

13. National Enquirer- have to know about Tom and Katie, then again no I don't....

14. milk

15. cereal

16. microwave Chinese food- I could go for those eggrolls right now! 

17. Granola bars

18. Pop-Tarts- yes, I know I should've outgrown them by now

19. Jello and/or puddings

20. cheese, but not from Denmark- that is a joke! (Although the last time I checked Danish cheese was yikes- $12!)

21. shaving stuff

22. ice coffees (perhaps!)

23. orange juice

24. and, of course, last but not least Windex and Pledge, then again %&*$# that- these apartments never give your deposit back anyway!

If you've actually read this grocery list in its entirety, the you must live in the thriving metropolis of Boones Mill, Va. I love that billboard you have with babies. It helps people like me remember that we are living in a red state after all:)

Update 2/19: I was able to get all these items, for the most part, except the microwave Chinese food. I guess I'll have to cancelt that dinner party after all!

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