Tuesday, December 27, 2005

ArabFilm has released unique film about Iraq

Arab Film Distribution which has released such interesting films as the Palestinian film "Rana's Wedding" and the Iranian/Kurdish film "Marooned in Iraq," has released a DVD of the critically-acclaimed, but little-seen documentary "Return to the Land of Wonders." The film is the work of Maysoon Pachachi, who is the daughter of Adnan Pachaci who was Iraq's foreign minister in the pre-Sadaam Hussein 1960s. The film documents the daughter's return to Baghdad after a 35-year basence. She accompanies her father, who is also assisting in the efforts to draft Iraq's constitution. The film is said to be one of the few films which shows the nature of things from an Iraqi perspective and unveils the dynamics which are involved. It is not, from what I've read, an anti-American or anti-Western film though it is the type of narrative which one would be hard-pressed to find on Fox News or CNN.


For more info, the film's web site is:




I have confirmed that it is also available from NetFlix




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