Thursday, February 8, 2007

When Being Superstitious (might) Pay Off

I saw this in Sunday's "Washington Post Magazine." It definitely caught my interest!


Yosefin M. Wiyono of Alexandria, Va., wrote that when she was a young school teacher on the Indonesian island of Java in the 1950s, she had arrived at her school bright and early every morning.

But, one day, she found a scorpion beneath her feet! Her mother told Yosefin that such a dangerous animal signaled that something bad would happen to her if she left the house. So, she decided not to teach that day.

Later in the day, a police officer informed Yosefin that the bus she normally rode to school was hit by a large truck. The accident killed 12 people, most of whom were in the front part- where Yosefin always sat!




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