Saturday, June 18, 2011

Quote of the Week-Marcello Mastroianni

It is not often that a man will admit that they can see why a woman might like another man, but we can certainly see why women around the world were charmed by the late Marcello Mastroianni (1924-1996) who was once married to and fathered a child with legendary French actress Catherine Denevue.

We are quoting Italians this month as Italy is celebrating its 150th year as a republic. Mastroianni won a Golden Globe Award for his performance in "Divorce, Italian Style" (1962).

He is also known for his work with Italian director Frederico Fellini, including "La Dolce Vita" (1960) and 8 1/2 (1963).

Here is his quote; we really, really like this one:

"With whom do you argue? With a woman, of course. Not with a friend, because he accepted all your defects the moment he found you."

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