Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Another Quote of the day- from a conservative!

Well, many of us fully knew this day would come. Even conservative commentator William F. Buckley has called the War in Iraq a failure! His coments came in the conservative publication, that he founded, "National Review." This is a magazine which recently had a cover of actor/filmmaker George Clooney with the caption "Get over yourself," probably in response to Clooney's film "Good Night, Good Luck" which criticized McCarthyism_ a movement that many of us who are not conservatives see as the cornerstone for right wing witch-hunting.

In Buckley's column, published on Feb. 24, 2006, the commentator cites a "New York Times" article in which a Sunni clothing merchant told the reporter that: "I can tell you the main reason for our woes- it is America." The merchant added: "Everything that is going on between Sunni and Shiites, the torublemaker in the middle is America."

Buckley added in his own words that "One can't doubt the American objective in Iraq has failed."

Though I differ with him politically, I fully respect Buckley for coming forward with his own personal views on this highly explosive sensitive political matter.

There are many conservatives that I respect who still believe the War in Iraq is a just cause, including Cong. Frank Wolf (R-Va),  a very ethical  man who has traveled to The Sudan, against a State Dept. advisory, to see the problems in Africa for himself.

But, everything I've read and seen from many perspectives, including Western and Middle Eastern news outlets suggests that the ethnic disputes betweens Kurds, Shiites, and Sunni Muslims in Iraq- not to mention Turkomens, Armenians, Jews....are simply overwhelming ones which we, from a distance, can simply never resolve.

There are also some liberals I respect like quthor George Packard from "The New Yorker" who supported the war on the grounds that Saddam Hussein was a Stalinist dictator. It is not a factor anyone can overlook, but one has to ask which is worse "War or Dictatorship?" And, the reality is that there is no choice 'C.'


Web sites which contain Buckely's original column include:



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