Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Most Influential People List..........(from an article in "The New Republic")

The reason for this entry is that we read a great article by Cass R. Sunstein in "The New Republic" which was an extended book review of "Who's Bigger? Where Historical Figures Really Rank." The length of the subjects' Wikipedia pages was one consideration. We should warn reader that this is a CONTROVERSIAL list. The image of Karl Marx at the top is the Little Thinker toy based on his image:

1) Jesus Christ

2) Napoleon

3) Mohammed

4) William Shakespeare

5) Abe Lincoln

6) George Washington

7) Adolf Hitler

8) Aristotle

9) Alexander the Great

10) Thomas Jefferson (Monticello, his historical home in Charlottesville, Virginia, is pictured in the middle)

11) Henry VIII

12) Charles Darwin

13) Elizabeth I

14) Karl Marx (pictured top)

15) Julius Caesar

16) Queen Victoria

17) Martin Luther

18) Joseph Stalin

19) Albert Einstein (pictured bottom)

20) Christopher Columbus

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