Saturday, August 25, 2012

Happy 100th Birthday, Gene Kelly and Weather Around America

Well, as it turns out, we are NOT singin' in the rain, but we recognize Gene Kelly (1912-1996) which would have been this past week. Of course, to those of us who love Stanley Kubrick films, we will always cherish the tune in part because it's Alex's anthem in "A Clockwork Orange."
As Tropical Storm Isaac threatens the Republican Convention, scheduled to begin in Tampa, Fla., on Monday, weather is actually replacing politics as America's main concern. Of course, our thoughts are also with people in Cuba and Haiti who are dealing with the storm as well.
Speaking of the GOP Convention, we can't wait to start makin fun of Paul Ryan again; he reads Voltaire?! Yeah, I still not voting for him and Mitt Romney either. My personal feeling is that once again Boo Boo is overshadowing Yogi Bear; perhaps now Romney wishes he chose Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio).
Here's a look at weather around America:
Boston 68 74 cloudy
Cleveland 81 clear
Columbia, SC, 74 clear
New York 73 partly cloudy
Philadelphia 75 cloudy
Raleigh, NC, 68 cloudy
Roanoke, Va. 69 cloudy
St. Louis 75 rain
San Francisco 56 cloudy
Tampa 79 partly cloudy
Washington DC 72 cloudy

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