Thursday, January 28, 2016

Debate from Iowa Minus Donald Trump Tweets (2 of 3)

Wow! That photo of Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky at the bottom took all night to download, but it is in the public domain. The image at the top, also in the public domain (we hope), is of Donald Trump who decided he was too big for tonight's Republican debate. And, in the middle, since the GOP always aims to win over evangelicals, is an image of the Cathedral of the Epiphany in Sioux City, Iowa,.........oh, we forgot some evangelical Baptists don't like Catholics..........oh well...........!

Here are the tweets:

1) Chris Cillizza (Washington Post): Best to worst so far.....1. Rand 2. Jeb 3. Rubio 4. Christie 5. Cruz 6. Kasich 7. Carson

2) Chuck Todd (NBC): But the more muddled this debate is it ends up helping one candidate.....the elephant not in the room.....(great pun, Chuck!)....

3) Ken Rudin (NPR): Oooops. Paul makes case against abortion. But if he were a true libertarian would he not leave to the states and stay out of it?

4) Bill Mitchell (conservative): The callers to CSPAN are VERY positive about Trump!

5) Doug Aus (liberal): Nabela Noor tells the GOP the truth....Islamophobia is radicalizing ISIS.

6) Mark Cuban (owner of the Dallas Mavericks): I propose we do a debate where every candidate has to do a shot of liquor before every question. That's the only way we'll get real answers.

7) Dan Speerin (liberal): My plan is to starve all Iranians.....because peace.....Marco Rubio....

8) Daniel Ashford (conservative): I believe we need a unifier on the right. I believe that person is Carson. He is the American dream and he is in this for America and not for himself.

9) Matt Soleyn (fiscal conservative): Rand Paul thinks people having sexual relations with an intern would lead to them being fired. He needs to visit Wall Street.

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