Monday, May 10, 2010

Quote of the Week- Jean Luc Godard

During the month of May, we are quoting left-wing radicals. And, one of our favorite people to quote has always been Jean Luc Godard whom Japanese film director Nagisha Oshima, who has been called 'The Japanese Godard,' said 'he should be called the French Oshima.'

An excellent article about the 50th anniversary of Godard's landmark film "Breathless" is in the current issue of "Film Comment." They did not mention the '80s remake with Richard Gere, but we think we know why (it's a bit of a clunker).

Here is our quote from the 79-year-old legendary French film director who has made no secret of his left-wing views:

"One of the most striking signs of decay of art is when we see its separate forms jumbled together."

Though I am more to the political center than Godard, I was struck by how his 1972 film "Tout Va Bien!" with Jane Fonda which I recently saw for the first time predicted how mass commercial conglomerates like Wal-Mart would take over the world!

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